How can I control what source is saved with a lead in my CRM when using a HeavySet Tech form on my website?

If your website has a HeavySet Tech form embedded on it, you can easily control the source that gets saved with the lead in your CRM by appending a specific query parameter to the URL.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Identify the source name you want to use (e.g., Facebook, GoogleAds, etc.).
  2. Add ?source=SourceNameHere to the end of the URL of the parent site where the HeavySet Tech form is used. Replace SourceNameHere with the actual name of your source.
    • Example: If your form is on , and you want the source to be "GoogleAds", your URL should look like this: .
  3. When a lead submits the form, the specified source will be saved in your CRM along with the lead’s information.

This method allows you to control the lead source sent with the lead to your CRM.

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