How to Set Up Microsoft/Bing Conversions with HeavySet Tech

To track leads and appointments from Microsoft/Bing ads, follow these steps to set up Bing conversions with HeavySet Tech forms:

Step 1: Add the Bing UET Tag

First, include the Microsoft UET (Universal Event Tracking) tag in the <head> section of your website. This enables Bing Ads to track user actions on your site.

    var f,n,i;
      var o={ti:"YOUR_UET_TAG_ID", enableAutoSpaTracking: true};
      o.q=w[u],w[u]=new UET(o),w[u].push("pageLoad")
      var s=this.readyState;

Replace "YOUR_UET_TAG_ID" with your actual UET tag ID from Microsoft Advertising.

Step 2: Add Custom Conversion Code

Next, add a custom script to handle lead submissions and send conversions to Bing. The script listens for postMessage events from trusted origins and sends lead data to Bing Ads. While this script can be placed in the header, it's can also be placed just before the closing </body> tag.

  function sendBingConversion(leadData) {
    window.uetq = window.uetq || [];
    window.uetq.push('set', {
      ph: leadData.phoneNumber,
    window.uetq.push('event', 'submit', { event_category: 'Lead' });

  function initBingConversionListener() {
    window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
      if (!/\.heavyset\.tech$/.test(event.origin)) return;
      if ( === 'leadSubmission' || === 'appointmentSubmission') {
        var leadData =;
    }, false);

  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {

Step 3: Verify the Setup

Use the Microsoft UET Tag Helper browser extension to ensure your UET tag is properly configured and tracking conversions. Test lead submissions to verify Bing conversions are logged.

Now your site is set up to track Microsoft/Bing conversions through HeavySet Tech!

If you’re not yet using HeavySet Tech, you can schedule a live demo here to see how our platform can benefit your business.

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